Is Tea Good for Weight Loss?

Do you love to drink hot beverages every day? A cup of tea gives a hydrating and comforting experience. However, it is not the only reason for drinking this beverage. The ability to keep your weight under check besides your general health status is within teas. It is full of antioxidants, phytonutrients and nutrients that may help decrease inflammation and various types of chronic disease.

Prepare different types of beverages for weight control and to stay fit.

Oolong tea

This is a partially oxidised drink with a bold flavour. Oolong has a blend of polyphenols like theaflavins and catechins. Moreover, the caffeine content in oolong also provides multiple health benefits. Some scientific studies revealed that oolong extracts added to your beverage boost the fat-burning rate. You may drink it after having your meal.

Green tea

Most weight management experts recommend drinking green tea every morning. It includes the compounds such as epigallocatechin gallate to enhance the healthy metabolism of body cells. It also cuts fat accumulated in your abdominal area.

The moderate levels of caffeine that are present are believed to increase the rate of calorie expenditure in addition to increasing the metabolic process of the human body. It also reduces fat utilisation and helps your body burn much more fat to use it as energy.

Black tea

Black tea leaves undergo oxidisation and soak up the air, making the flavour stronger. If you want a bold beverage, drink a cup of hot black tea. Prolonged fermentation affects the composition of polyphenols in the drink. Theaflavins and other polyphenols also get oxidised to promote your weight loss process. They also maintain your gut bacteria and prevent obesity.

Peppermint tea

A herbal drink infused with peppermint allows you to manage weight. It mainly works for your digestive system and suppresses your appetite. The menthol in peppermint relaxes your muscles in gastrointestinal tracts. So, you will be free from digestion issues and bloating.

In addition, peppermint has an exciting and refreshing taste that suppresses the hunger hormones. Lower intakes of food lead to shedding of some weight in due course of the plan. While it can be said that the herbal compound does not have a straight forward effect on fat metabolism, it does seem to make a positive impact in the digestive tract.

White tea

This least processed beverage has a delicate flavour, which provides an incredible experience. Anti-inflammatory antioxidants in white tea are effective in reducing your weight.

The drink promotes fat cell breakdown and helps you become slimmer. So, you may add this beverage to your routine and stay healthy.

Hibiscus tea

While preparing your beverage, add hibiscus extracts to boost metabolism and reduce fat. Flavonoids and phenolic compounds in the beverage also facilitate fat management by reducing the fat cell size. Add the red hibiscus flowers to the water and cover the pot. The petals need a few minutes to get soaked. You can then strain and drink the tea. You may also shop for hibiscus tea in Australia and add it to your morning routine. Some people prefer drinking healthy hibiscus soda for weight loss benefits.

So, herbal teas with different compositions have the potential to shed your weight. However, you should also focus on your diet and regular exercise routine to make your weight loss journey successful.